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Monday, November 4, 2013


" O mankind , indeed We have made you from a male and a female , and made ​​you nations and nation - tribes in order to know each other . Verily the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous . Surely Allah is Knower, Aware. " ( Surah Al - Hujuraat [ 49 ] : 13 ) .
Islamic Doctrine of compassion has long taught perfectly and beautifully . However , most of the people do not realize what the true meaning of love itself, so it can be stopped and deviate from the rules that have been spoken by God and the sayings of His Messenger . As the poem says , " mawaddatuhu taduumu likulli HAULIN , wa it kullun mawaddatuhu taduumu " , her affection ( humans ) are always conserved for all things scary , and whether each person is always eternal affection . ( Jawaahirul Balaaghah : 407 ) . This is because it is not intended merely because God does not serve as the charitable field even just to make a profit and worldly pleasures . not lead to a sense of affection , while compassion is a natural tendency that must be realized for others throughout life in this world there is , of course, in the corridors of Islam . This means that Islam does not care about time , distance , and place will be a good affection towards friends, friends , relatives , and his own family .
Prophet. said , " Man laa laa yarhaminnaasa yarhamhullaah " He who does not love man , God will not love her . (Transmitted by Turmudzi ) . In the tradition of love is not a Muslim against a Muslim brother alone , but for all mankind . Prophet. said , "Certainly not you believe before you love . " Messenger of Allah, " All of our compassionate , " they replied . Prophet said , "Compassion is not limited to love one of you to his friend ( believers ) , but the general ( for all mankind ) . " ( HR Ath - Thabrani ) . In fact , not only the teachings of Islam that a man has been taught how high affection for animals and plants are to be realized . Abu Bakr Siddiq r.a. never commanded the forces of Osama bin Zaid , "Do not kill women , the elderly , and small children . Nor should you neuter palm trees , and you do not cut the trees that bear fruit . If you come across people who are powerless , let them , do not you bother . " This piece of advice though in a state of war , Islam still exudes affection towards humans , animals , and plants . Another interesting story when Amr bin Ash conquer the cities of Egypt , when there came a dove on top of his tent .
Seeing this incident , then Amr bin Ash make for pigeon cage above his tent . When he refused to leave his camp , bird and the cage is still there . He did not want to bother him and left to live with the pigeon cage that he has made . Then the city was dubbed as the city fasthath ( camp ) .
It is clear that Islam upholds the affection. We should imitate the example of the Prophet . and his companions truly realize the meaning of love without limits , of course, to achieve the pleasure of Allah alone and not to seek worldly pleasures . Then it is appropriate to say that Islam as a religion rahmatan lil ' alamiin . Including the nature of love is a noble character who loved God . Instead God hates low morals . Of them to people who do not have a sense of compassion compassion . Reaffirmed the Holy Prophet . , Laa tunza'ur rahmatu illaa syaqiyyin min . Compassion is not removed but only from people wretched .(Transmitted by Ibn. Hibban ) .
What is meant by the wretched are those who do not have a sense of compassion in his heart for his own and others . This is where we need bermuhasabah , ponder , if this is correct themselves through life . How do we love and cherish God's creation as a noble character . " Verily Allah the most gracious , generous nature he loves , and he loves to hate a noble character and low morals . " ( HR Na'im through Ibn Abbas ra ) .
Love of God
Among the many people who love God and love , but more of a loving world . God's love is obligatory for the Muslims and the Moslem is not just say it. And if we truly love God sincerely, then the process of " compassion " for his creatures will be formed in our hearts . In addition , our identity as a Muslim would seem more sturdy and able to undergo Islamic sharia law - pleasing and blessed by Allah SWT . Love to God is the main thing , as a way to obtain the benefit of the world and the Hereafter by performing His commandments , away from His prohibitions . Love to God shall exceed the love of all that is manifest besides Allah . Love God is to love His Messenger , the apostle to follow all instructions to its fullest . Allah SWT says , " Say ( O Muhammad ) , ' If you ( really) love Allah , then follow me , Allah will love you and forgive you your sins . ' Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful . " ( Surah Al 'Imran [ 3 ] : 31 ) . Behold , the Hereafter is better and life everlasting . Bishshawab Allaah knows best . ***

Live in this world and the Hereafter is Just As The Eternal Eternal

Praise be to Allah , the Lord of all the worlds . Blessings and greetings for the noble lord Prophet Muhammad SAW family and the friends and followers of the king obey constancy to the Day of Resurrection .God blessed companions ,How crowded human being delirious . How crowded human being broken . How crowded humans can not be grateful . Derhaka how crowded and treacherous human being . They forget the purpose of his life when in the world and only pursue pleasures of the world . Pursued world will end . Where humans live . Place adores human enjoyment . Everything becomes futile .Life in the world is a game and a joke . Sometimes win , sometimes lose . Thick and turns. Happy is a deceptive pleasure , sadly a temporary misery . That's called life in the mortal realm . Quite different from the true and eternal life in the hereafter . Whoever is happy, then he will be forever happy ( Ya Allah , we insert into this category ) . Whoever suffers , then he will suffer forever ( na'udzu billahi zalik min ) .The Quran mentions bahawa life in the world is no more just fooling around and joke alone :Word of God means : " And the life of this world , apart from playing games and sheer amusement . And indeed the abode of the Hereafter is better for those who fear Allah . Ye then no sense? " ( Surah Al - An'am verse 32 )His words that mean again : " And the life of this world but amusement and play . And verily, the Hereafter that is the real life , if they only knew . " ( Surah Al - Ankabut paragraph 64 )Word of God means : " The life of the world is but play and amusement . And if ye believe and fear Allah , Allah will give reward unto you, and He will not ask for wealth - wealth. " ( Surah Muhammad verse 36 )If you tasted hardships and face many Problems of living in this world , do not despair and disappointment kerana Allah SWT is dependent on the place and a place full of hope . Pray earnestly to Him .Said the Prophet Sallallahu ' Alaih Wa Sallam : "The prayer of one who is suffering ( deep sadness ) is : " O God , I hope your blessings , do not you have given all my business to myself though blink of an eye , correct all my affairs , there is no god worthy of worship besides you . " (Abu Dawud )Venerable companions ,In this life there are terraced on the pleasures of the world . Berlumba human - dolphin chasing , until exhausted , and he was exhausted , and his life fell , only directed pursue pleasures of the world . There's no real pleasure . Enjoyment of human wants in life is pleasure that everything is just an illusion . Delusion of human nature that has become his life just for pleasure and splendor .Know , verily the greatest pleasure and greatest , namely fully dirasai pleasure in the Hereafter. Hereafter pleasure that will bring slaves to the eternal glory . then , essentially a believer , do not pursue pleasures of the world , who do not have any benefits, but little sake only , compared to enjoy the same glory with Allah Azza Wa Jalla .There is no meaning kelazatan world of pleasure and its contents , which may make people forget and get drunk , so carried away with the life of the world . Human life that the world was already drunk , become prostrate , bow , and worship just to satisfy the pleasures of the world .Just the believers , who deserve a real pleasure , which will reward kerana dikurniakan by Allah the Lord of all worlds, was always flowing , when they are eating , drinking , dressing , sleeping , awake , and in perkahwinannya , and all their charity solely directed to His get subsides . Not looking subsides besides Him . Moreover , just wanted to get subsides to other humans , which can give pleasure world . That's not the essential nature of believers .Believers longing just to delight in the faith , worship , longing only to Allah Azza Wa Jalla . Behold , behold the pleasures of the world , it will always hereafter preclude someone get pleasure and even drove him to seksa hell . Man who thought his life to the pleasures of the world , eventually making possessions , rank , power , and creatures , as well as various forms of idols , god -like , into the direction and purpose of their lives . As if all that exists , is able to give pleasure to the man who is eternal . Therefore, when Hereafter they revile and blame each other .Allah SWT says in the Qur'an which means : " And their friends from among people say: 'Oh my God , we have each other to get pleasure , and now the time has been set for you we have come . ' God says . ' The Fire places you forever , except if Allah wills else . ' Verily , your Lord is All-Wise , All-Knowing . And thus did We make most of the people who do wrong it be a friend to others because what they earn . " ( Surah al - An'am verse 128-129 ) .The delights and pleasures of people who do evil and vile is istidraj ( gift than Allah in a state of anger Him ) , given by God Almighty so that they feel seksa heavier and they will be forbidden to taste the greatest pleasure . Like people who put LaZat eating and put poison into it , so that people who eat dead peralahan .Allah Almighty says it means : " Soon will We beransur - ansur their laws from the direction that they did not know . And I give unto them a tough time . Actually , my plan was steadfast ( inna kaidi matin ) . " ( Surah al - Qalam verses 44-45 ) .The majority of commentators interpret ' inna kaidi matin ' ( my very firm plan ) , the point is every time they commit sin , then we will give favor to them . That's for people whose lives are just chasing pleasures of the world .Conversely , a very scared with the world of life , and his ascetic and warak , when the group left the holy angels , God's servants are very close to him , come get him headed to eternal forever namely that Allah heaven highest Heaven named Firdaus .Word of God means : " Happiness in the abode of the Hereafter We provide only for those who do not like to brag and do kerosakan on earth . And it's a good sequel is for those who fear Allah " . ( Surah al - Qasas verse 83 ) .Beloved companions ,Come together we make a life in this world as a battlefield for our charity and provide our preparation towards the netherworld . We may not be calm and happy when bringing bekalan berkualiti little and not too much if the journey towards nature barzakh and namely to the netherworld . Do not waste time , age , power and wealth that we have without us making bekalan resurfacing for us there , as it is what will be the exchange is pious deeds , deeds , deeds that we do in this world alone kerana eyes of Allah SWT . Meditate and act immediately without suspended again .

Grateful pleasure

There was a father who for the umpteenth time to come to the house of Amalia . He told me that it is only God who is close to his heart became quiet . ' That's the joy of grateful ' he said . ' In the pressures of life make me seek God , even though I never get angry and leave Him , but God never left me . '
The first blow of receipt . Initially last year who loved his wife in the hospital when he was out of town for work tasks. Not long after his wife was called by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala . Amid the grief she fell from the bathroom which makes lying in the hospital . Laid up for a month . Once it was working again , the leadership of the company he worked himself in layoffs . In seeking a new job , he tried to entrepreneurship but the effort was fruitless .
Until a nadir , the pain they experienced . screamed to myself ' Oh God , I could no longer. ' On that occasion he was listening to FM Radio Jakarta , then contact me and finally visited the House of Amalia . Not long after that he get a new job better than ever before . Now they know he is getting closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala . ' I always miss Him because God's love light the way Mas Agus my life . ' he added .
---My friends , this prayer please aminkan ease in our efforts , " Allahuma rahmataka Arju ila fala takilni nafsi tharfata ' ain , wa ashlihli sya'ni kullahu , la ilaha illa anta , " O God , thy only love that I expected , so do not you have given my business to myself though but for a moment , and reform all my affair. there is no god but You . " ( Reported by Abu Dawud and Ahmad ) .

mother message , "Reach for the happiness my son "

there was a mother who was seriously ill , doctors gave up . His son is full of tears welled accompany the mother, with full kesenyuman mother recalled , "Son , life is no longer the mother , the mother can not inherit the abundant treasures for you , mother deposited the three keys that smile of happiness , gratitude and affection . Son , use your smile to those who are injured . wear thanksgiving for what you 're facing and continue to use affection to live this life , with these three you will feel the beauty of life to your neighbor . " "Reach for the happiness kid .. " that's the message the mother .
My best friend , smile , gratitude and compassion is a form rahmatan lil alamin . With a smile then we open the path of good , break the ice , bandage the wounded heart , a sincere smile a positive impact on others as well as ourselves . Likewise, grateful , life becomes more beautiful with gratitude for the gift of God , grateful for the journey sweet , bitter life so that our lives become lighter and meaningful . Affection encapsulates all that is good , in love there is patience , sacrifice , generosity , repay hatred with kindness , patience and strong receiving the pain and hurt to gain the pleasure of Allah . Friend , yuk .. we do our best in our lives is always smiling , grateful and loving fellow , every day , throughout our lives .

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Petition Help Books

The Dear Colleague,
We Falahul Huda Foundation Mojoagung expect help reading good books of general knowledge, history, and Religious Knowledge technology. due to limited reading books in our library, we will accept any form of assistance a new or used books. which later can add to the enthusiasm of our students in reading. because of increased read the books diperpustakaan Falahul Huda Foundation for children Mojoagung enough response. Our only weak for funds to buy books. therefore hope the books help from philanthropists.

Postal Address:
Address: Foundation Falahul Huda Mojoagung
                 Majasem Mojoagung District Plantungan
                 Kendal Code Pos 51362 INDONESIA

Phone Number : +62085727441803

Thanks for the help, 

Application for Social Assistance Fund Education

The Dear Colleague,
We Falahul Hud Mojoagung foundation expects funding for the education of children in the Foundation, as we accommodate children who are less able to be able to continue their education, the Foundation is engaged in either education elementary education, middle, and upper middle, whereas in this region is very low due to weak economic community education. Here the majority of the population work as farmers and agricultural laborers. we are engaged in the field of education which aims to improve the welfare of the community in the future, the lack of funding from the parents and we pray to the benevolent benefactor.

Submit Letter:
Address: Yayasan Falahul Huda Mojoagung
                 Majasem Mojoagung District Plantungan
                 Kendal Code Pos 51362 INDONESIA

Phone Number : +6285727441803

Transfer money:
Name of Bank: BRI Branch Kendal Indonesia
On behalf of: Yayasan Falahul Huda Mojoagung
No.. Rek: 0034-01-003134-53-2

Thanks for the help, hope to ease the burden of our proteges.

Poetry I Prostration to you

Poetry I Prostration to you

God ...........
I realize you are always there for me
I'm sorry to disappoint the
I'm now convinced that this path
You guided me back to You

Give me the strength to face all
Guided me when I wrong road
Do not let me alone without you
I'm here always miss you
Tion to meet with You

If I was tired, I raise
If I fall asleep wake me
Enlighten me in the dark
I prostrate to You

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Allah SWT has reduced Islam to mankind through His prophet Muhammad. Islam is a universal religion containing legal rules that directly from God SWTagar man survived, both in this world and in the hereafter. Religion (Islam) and the rules (laws) are made by God is a revelation, revealed to the Prophet and His Messenger through the intercession of the Angel Gabriel. While the latter is a prophet and messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him God's revelation is, sometimes to resolve legal issues that are being faced by the Muslims at that time, and in the sciences of the Qur'an known as asbabun-nuzul or causes of revelation (verses of the Koran). At the time of the Prophet SAW, all friends of the problems faced directly asked of him. Thus, the apostle answers to these questions it is final.
At this time, the legal sources used are two, namely the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet which is empirisasi and interpretation as well as the implementation of God's revelation SWT.Seiring with the death of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, expansion of the Islamic empire, the Prophet's companions scattered into various region, and many of the friends who died in battle, the Muslims got a new challenge in the field of law, because sometimes the problem (legal) facing no law in the al-Quran and al-Sunnah, and in order to resolve legal issues facing the new, the Companions are always air-ijtihad, and they can easily find the legal issues that are being faced by the Muslims at that time because the companions are very familiar with the techniques Prophet air-ijtihad. Results of the ijtihad of the Companions, if not contradicted by other companions of the Prophet, it is considered ijma 'of the Companions. Conversely, if the results of the Prophet's companions ijtihad was denied by the other companions of the Prophet, the Companions of the Prophet ijtihad results can not be considered as ijma 'of the Companions, but only the personal opinion of the Companions of the Prophet about the issues (legal) specific. Thus it is apparent that the source of Islamic law at the time only three companions, namely: the Qur'an, the Sunnah and ijma 'of the Companions. Future is still being decided, the companions of the Prophet began to die, then the authority tasri 'fall into the hands of later generations tabi'in tabi' tabi'in and so on. Such stages are owned by the Islamic Law. Seeing this phenomenon, the author tries to discuss a little about why Islamic law could be developed to follow the changing times and time. Characteristics of Islamic Law Is For The rapid development of Islamic law Any law certainly has the traits and characteristics that distinguish one from yet others. Therefore, the authors try to explain a little about the traits and characteristics (khasha-ish) of Islamic law in order to sustain the rapid development of Islamic law.

2. Islamic law has its own characteristics, different from Western Law and Indigenous Law, yaitumempunyai multiple dimensions, the first dimension of Shari'a (has a characteristic revelations) and fiqh (characterized by persuasion), second, the divinity and humanity (iman and ihsan or faith and morals), Third, universal Islamberwatak Law (beyond space and time, including in the areas of worship and Muamalat in a broad sense, retaliation or sanctions the world and the Hereafter) and contextual (dynamic, flexible). 1. Sharia and Fiqh characteristic dimensions of the first, in the language of Mohammad Daud Ali (1996), has two key terms that (a) law and (b) jurisprudence. Shari'a consists of the revelation of God and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and fiqh is understanding, and the result of human understanding of the Shari'a. As the writer explained earlier in the Introduction, can not be equated with the Shari'a jurisprudence, but both can not be separated. Shari'a which is derived from the revelations of Allah (the Qur'an) and we SunnahNabi Muhammad SAW (Al-Hadith) are tsabat (fixed) whenever and wherever. Whereas fiqh is tathowwur (constantly evolving) because it is the result of human understanding of the Shari'a. By the nature of the Shari'a tsabat Allah will remain valid throughout the period and tidakseorang ever able to replace it. While the nature of fiqh that tathowwur, makamenunjukkan that Islamic law is flexible (not rigid) in every condition and situation of the community and keep abreast of the times. However, keep Quranic Law. Lies the power of Islamic law in its purity because it is derived from the revelations of Allah without interference from the power of human reason. While the jurisprudence itself is a means of understanding the process of establishing Islamic law through the power of human reason. Whether it's understanding of revelation directly or indirectly. This is where the flexibility of Islamic law when given the opportunity to discuss issues muamalahkita for ijtihad (gate of ijtihad was not closed) and the Qur'an itself only discuss this issue globally muamalah alone. 2. Divinity and humanity syahadatain phrase "asyhadu allaailaha illallah" is not only associated with monotheism alone (not faith only). However, this expression also contains a law which if transferred to the bahasahukum will read "no law except the law of God". Sources formulation of this sentence is al-Quran surah al-Anam verse 57, which reads: Say: "Behold, I was on a real proof (Al Quran) from my Lord, are you rejected him. Did not exist to me what (punishment) which you ask be hastened its arrival. establish the law of God is just right. Actually He explained that he and the giver of good decision ". also in Surat Yusuf verse 40 and 67, which reads: You do not worship besides Allah except only (worship) the names of you and your ancestors invented it. God did not send down a keteranganpun about those names. That decision belongs to God only. He has commanded that you worship none but Him. That is the right religion, but most men understand not. "(Surah Yusuf: 40)

3. And Jacob said: "O my sons do not be (together) go from one gate, and enter the gates of the divergent-other, and yet I can not melepaskankamu goods at all of the (fate of) Allah. Decision set (something) is just the right God, to Him I place my sole trust and let Him be the people who surrendered sole trust. "(Surah Yusuf: 67) Islamic law that Allah created not for the sake of Allah SWT. However, it is done for the sake of the man himself. The law was created to regulate human life and Allah's certainly better to know the interests and needs of people both in the form of kebutuhankepercayaan (creed), ritual (worship), to the needs of individual and social life (Muamalat). To all human needs are met, then Allah Almighty has provide the perfect infrastructure and provide a way of life (law) is perfect for kebahagiaanmanusia. From this we can conclude that Islamic law was very concerned about the humanitarian characteristics that Allah gives guidance to human life, whether it be faith, worship, and Muamalat. If we already know the fact that the God who created the law, then it is our obligation to carry out and implement the law of Allah. Implementation was not for us personally but, for Allah SWT in terms of carrying out God's law by the name of Allah SWT. 3. Universal and Contextual Islam is universal (Alamy), includes all human beings in this world, is not limited by sea or limit any State. This is based on the word of Allah in the letter Saba verse 28, which reads: And we have not sent you but to all mankind as a news bearer and a warner happy, but most humans not Know. And also the word of Allah in Surat al-Anbiya verse 107 which reads: And We sent thee not, but for (a) a mercy to the worlds. By Therefore, in the period of Makkah, where the Prophet Muhammad was still focused on his message of monotheism in particular and faith in general, we refer to the verses of the Qur'an is generally used call Yes Ayuha nNas (O mankind) to include anyone and anywhere . However, the laws though not limited by sea and land, but in general, especially regarding worship, specifically only for the Muslims only. Therefore we look at the verses of the Qur'an down the Medina period in which Islamic law has begun mentasyrikan, call l-utilized Yes Ayuha Ladzina Aamanu (O ye who believe). Example appeal to all peoples of the word of Allah Tawheed in surah Al-Baqarah ayat21-22, Surat an-Nisa verse 170. Another example of the law, among others; Allah says in surah Al-Maidah 1s / d 3 and the word of Allah in surah Al-Maidah verse. Universality of Islamic law can be seen from a qualitative aspect, which is about space and time, and
4. lasting effect. From the quantitative aspect, ie Islamic law, the legal basis and framework ditetapkanoleh God, not just regulate human relationships with other humans and objects in society, but also regulates the relationship of humans with God, man's relationship with himself, and man's relationship with the natural surroundings . Islamic law, which is the basis and legal framework established by God, not bound by nationality, (nationalism), ethnicity, class, rulers, people, sex (male and female), boundaries or geography (in terms of space). Similarly, not bound by time and waktu.Hukum Islam, in addition to universal also have contextual character. Character of Islamic law, according to Yusuf Qaradawi based on the rules and patterns of human thinking. Among the rules and patterns of thinking that are: 1. Ease, and eliminates the trouble; 2. Attention to future phases; 3. Down to the reality of the ideal value in emergency situations; 4. Everything cause harm or misery the people must be eliminated; 5. Kemudlaratan not be eliminated by kemudlaratan; 6. Kemudlaratn that are typically used for general kemudlaratan; 7. Kemudlaratan light used to resist heavy kemudlaratan; 8. Circumstances forced to facilitate an act or acts forbidden; 9. What is allowed by necessity, measured according to the size required; 10. Adversity brings ease; 11. Close the source of damage precedence over bringing kemaslahatan.Meskipun Thus, there is other literature that characteristics of Islamic law that is most important is six, which is protected from forgery and human interference (al-hifdzu min at-tahrif); universal and comprehensive ( as-syumul); were moderate (al-wasathiyyah); according to age (al-waqiiyyah); clear and plausible (al-wa al-uqlaniyyah wudluh), and the merger between tsabat terakhiradalah and tathowwur (al-Baina herbs as tsabat wa-at-tathowwur). But the real meaning is not much different from the distribution of the three traits as we explained above. Because in these explanations have included the six traits mentioned that other literature. Looking at the characteristics of Islamic law above, it is very natural that Islamic law is constantly evolving to follow the change in time and era. He is a universal law, regardless of anyone. He is revealed to all mankind. Do not look ethnic, tribal race, class, social strata. Islamic law also gives the flexibility of a big share that Islamic law was righteous likulli times and eating. Thus, Islamic law itself was instrumental in codifying and development of Islamic law itself, namely through such characteristics that had author mentioned above. Cover
5. From the brief description above, I can conclude that it is essentially the traits and characteristics of Islamic Law that there are three, which has a double dimension, the first dimension of Shari'a (has a characteristic revelations) and fiqh (characterized by persuasion), second, the divine and humanity (faith and charity or faith and morals), third, the universal character of Islamic law (beyond space and time, covering the areas of worship and Muamalat in a broad sense, replies or sanctions the world and the Hereafter) and contextual (dynamic, flexible). these characteristics which then makes Islamic law continues to tune and line and always in accordance with the times and the times keep rolling. And Allaah knows best bisshawab...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Islam Teaches Peace and harmony

 Islam Teaches Peace and harmony

Usually that something is most valuable for himself. This means that the most precious to religion is the religion itself. Therefore any religion demanding sacrifice any of its followers in order to maintain its sustainability. Islam, however, comes not only aims to maintain its existence as a religion, but also recognizes the existence of other religions, and gave him the right to live together while respecting followers-people of other faiths.
"Do not slander are not worshiping God (other religions) ..."(Surah Al-An'am [6): 108).
"There is no compulsion in the religion (Islam)" (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 256)."To you your religion and to me my religion" (Surah Al-infidels [109]: 6)
"If God does not reject malignancy some people over others (not encouraging cooperation among humans), undoubtedly rubuhlah monasteries, churches, synagogues of the Jews and mosques, in which many called the name of God. " (Surat al-Hajj (22): 40)
This verse is used by some scholars, such as Al-Qurtubi (d. 671 H), as a mandatory argument Muslims maintain places of worship of non-Muslims. Indeed, the Qur'an is itself very firmly stated that,
"Had Allah willed, He made all men to be the only people" (Surah Al-Nahl [16]: 93).
But God does not want that so, so He gives freedom to people to choose their own path he thinks is right, express their views clearly and responsibly.
Here it can be concluded that the freedom of opinion, including freedom of religion, is a God-given right to every person.
Proposed Quranic verse is one of the seeds of the doctrine of democracy, where it will then be seen clearly in the guidelines of Scripture. One that can be raised here is the experience of the Holy Prophet in the battle of Uhud and its relation to the ordering clause deliberations. History informs that when I heard news of the attack the enemies of the Prophet from Makkah to Madina, he argues that it is better to wait for them to get to the city of Medina. But the majority of his friends urged him vigorously in order to face them outside the city, which at Uhud. Because of this pressure, the Prophet finally agreed. But, apparently, dozens of companions of the Prophet were killed in the war that cause regret. After the bitter experience of following the majority opinion, the magnified Al-Quran down to give instructions to the Holy Prophet, in order to deliberate and always keep exchanging ideas with his friends (see Surah Ali 'Imran [3]: 159).
Thus seen freedom of religion, expression, and democracy, are the principles of Islam.
On the basis of that, the Muslim holy book recognizes the reality of the many roads that can be taken mankind. They were instructed to racing in his favor (Surah Al-Baqarah [2]: 148), all for the sake of peace and harmony:
"God gave instructions through whom His revelations follow His pleasure to explore the streets of peace"(Surah Al-Maidah [5]: 16).
Once again it was found that diversity is recognized or accommodated during characterized by peace. Even in order to realize peace with others, Islam recommends a good dialogue (Surah Al-Nahl [16]: 125). And in the dialogue, a Muslim is not advisable to claim the dialogue partners that truth belongs only to Him."Say, We or you who are in the truth or manifest error" (Surah Saba '[34]: 24).
Even further than that Scripture teaches Muslims sentences words or dialogue at birth can be rated as "harmful". Note the following verse translation:
"You all will not be required to account for our sins. We were not going to account for your deeds." (Surah Saba '[34]: 25).
We call what we do sin, and do not call act non-Muslim dialogue partners as sin, but called it "works".
Peace and harmony are coveted Islam, which is not apparent, but which gives a sense of security in every human soul. Therefore, the first step it does is make it happen in the soul of every person. After that he went to the smallest unit of society that is the family. From here he turned to the wider community, so to all nations of the earth's surface, and thus can create world peace, and can manifest harmony and tolerance relations with all parties.
Thus, a bit of the teachings of Islam. If reality in the Islamic world is different from what is written in the religious instruction, then the erroneous teachings are actors and not the teaching itself. It's exactly the statement of Sheikh Muhammad Abduh, "Al-Islam bil Mahjub Muslims" (The beauty of Islam is covered by behavior while Muslims).

Peace of Heart And Mind

Peace of Heart And Mind
بسم االلهالرحمن اارحيم
The liver is the source of reasoning, the consideration, the growth of love and hate, faith and infidelity, repentance and stubborn, quietness and shock. Liver is also the source of happiness, if we are able to clean it. But instead a source of disaster if stigmatization. Activity is highly dependent body straight crooked heart. Abu Hurayrah Radhiallaahu anhu said, "The heart is the king, while the limbs are soldiers. If the king is good, it will be also good soldiers. If the king was bad, then the army will be bad anyway."


"Be good at saying when filled with piety, resignation, monotheism, and sincere to him in all the practice"
If there are no such properties, meaning the liver is damaged. Heart like a bird in a cage, like a seed in the petals, and like a treasure in a warehouse. He is like a bird that is not a cage, like a seed instead of petals, and such property is not the warehouse. Ya Allah busy with our limbs to obey you, borrow our hearts to recognize all of our lives day and night. We enter the class of pious people, as you give gifts to people - the former, we give sustenance to something which you have given them. Thou for us, as thou to them.

Sincere Heart, the Good IntentionsI believe if we do things with a sincere heart and good intentions, good results will come back to us, because the energy was so positive that we will have more and more out of it than it is in any condition "cheer up your hearts!" Never be sad."If you are rich. Cheer up your hearts! Because in front of you lies the opportunity for doing good deeds through your possessions."And if you are poor, precisely to please your hearts because you have separated from a mental illness, a disease that often affects the vanity of the rich. Cheer up your hearts because no one will envy and jealousy to you again, because of your poverty.""If thou forgotten, less famous, also the heart to please! Because the tongue is not much to reproach you, not a lot of taunting mouth"Noble and good heart are always getting exalted place in the eyes of God. Good heart to its owner to deliver a good and praiseworthy deeds. Rewarding good heart and the gift of God not only for the owner, but also for all mankind. It is true Messenger of Allah said, "Verily in the body there is a blood clot, if it's good, then let the whole body".Good heart not just the gift of God which is given to certain people only, but a good heart can also be obtained by training and education. One way to get a good heart are always open to communication and God's heart. God is the Essence of the Supreme Good, then anyone who is in constant communication kepdaNya will get radiant goodness. Hopefully we are given the gift of a good heart, and God always grant us beneficial knowledge which leads us to a conviction and eternal happiness, the world and the hereafterPurify your hearts and minds, we are not what we think, his belief is if we have good intentions then the result will be good, but it is sometimes good intentions we could produce something awful, but rest assured everything is simply - eye exams from him, as if - as if good results are being saved it in advance and will be returned to us at the moment we do not speculate.Intention of all human sourced from the heart, then run to the mind and then implemented by all members of the body, good mouth, hands, feet, and so when the source is clean then everything will be clean as well. Look ... so beautiful creations of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aala, with his breadth of knowledge and power in the organization of the Supreme to Him."O Allah, O Lord, we beseech Thee that we carefully purified of filth malice and envy, the tendency to evil and harsh revenge and hate the disease, and Instill a sense of love and compassion in our hearts, with the good and grace.O God O Lord, open to us up thy wisdom and bestow up our treasure Your grace, O God the Lord of Izzati more merciful compassion, add ilmuku and luaskanlah kefahamanku, O my Lord, my business Exert my chest and make it easy, take it pemohonanku Ya Rabb . Aamiin. . Aamiin .. Yes Rabbal 'alamiin

Monday, May 27, 2013

Defendant Religious Harmony In Indonesia

Make life peaceful harmony, harmony creating a harmonious society, creating harmony and brotherhood and friendship eliminate hostility. Thus a brief message of harmony is often a theme in the dialogue, to convey tausiah muqadimah in each and so on.

But harmony was later reversed when it has entered the realm of religion and belief. Since when is it different beliefs, whether the conviction could not in force, whether the conviction can not be straightened out, and if there is a false belief. The Government has provided guidance in creating religious harmony, which were divided into three categories: internal religious harmony, inter-religious harmony and religious harmony with a government that is often called the tri religious harmony.
Of harmony that turned into a riot is often triggered by differences in the interpretation appreciate and practice the teachings of religion and belief. In the religion of Islam is particularly vulnerable to a difference of opinion, we recall the era of the 1980s the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, namely NU and Muhammadiyah often knock the manner in practice the teachings of Islam, such as the value of prayer, qunut prayer, pilgrimage grave, funeral ceremony and other. Issues such as these are often the consumption of the general public so that sparked the feud, the group considers itself the true and blame others, especially sophist who sometimes do not want to admit the truth conveyed by his debate opponent. This will end the enmity, even the act of spreading anarchy.
The two CBOs same ideology, the concept of the Godhead, prophetic and its holy book, then there was a religious maturity, that difference of opinion is a blessing. After two Islamic organizations can understand and accept as a religious organization that seeks to spread Islam as rahmatan lil 'alamin. Differences in the interpretation of Islamic teachings repeated against Ahmadiyah adherents of the ideology (Qodian), such as the riots that occurred in the religious background Cikeusik, Pandeglang, Banten. Riots on Friday, February 4, 2011 has subsided, but the heat back on Sunday, February 6, 2011, giving rise to the sacrifice of life. Common sense and religious instruction to switch to the instructions lust that leads to anarchy deeds.
Surely this unrest will continue to happen all the time, because religion is a fundamental human right that guaranteed freedom. So that even religious people never menajalankan religion in peluknya (eg Islam) when insulted his religion would revolt, and will defend their religion even if lives are at stake. Concrete examples that occurred in Cikeusik, Pandeglang, Banten, this is intensely religious. Juma'ah Ahmadiyya (Qodian) claim to be Muslims, but the concept of belief violate Islamic Convictions, which is where the concept of apostleship is not as taught Islam as their prophet was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
It is their belief, are they are our brothers (seen from Islamic symbols), because Muslims are bound by brotherhood Islamiyah, but why we are different Convictions. Where it came from conviction, who can make sure, whether that belief came abruptly or through the process. It is not easy to go back to the Qur'an and Sunnah Rasul when Muslims differ in opinions. Moreover, the belief has taken root and become religious dogma.Besides Muslims clash with Muslims, Muslims are still in conflict with the people of non-Muslim, with Christians in Waterford, cases of blasphemy and religious insult done by Anthony Rechmond Bawengan, who was born in Manado (North Sulawesi), who in his address on the ID card Urban Village Pondok Kopi, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. Because he considers most correct beliefs and actions are correct that they forget the attitude of religious tolerance, even ignoring ethics and belief in spreading ajaraan.
When visiting the village where his brother in Contacts, District Kranggan Waterford County (October 23, 2010) religious broadcasting activities to people who have other faiths by spreading books whose content is sacrilege or blasphemy against Islam. The book is titled "Yes, my Lord I Deceived, Fooled Me", and "You Need a Sponsor."Excessive religious fanaticism are not aware of the risk that he will naturally entangled with the provisions of article 156 of the Criminal Code letter a (primary), and Article 156 of the Criminal Code (subsidiary). "The threat of penalties under that provision is imprisonment for 5 years". Besides the consequences for acts committed himself implications for government. The inter-religious issues resolved, when he was later arrested and handed over to police to institute legal proceedings. It turns out the court process ends with riots that led to the condition of disharmony in the life of society and religion, and the destruction of public facilities.
Whether the conviction could not in forceBelief in the concept of studying and practicing the teachings of Islam, in the back on the instructions of Allah through the Qur'an and hadith the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Differences in interpreting the Qur'an is something that is understandable with requirements in compliance with the rules as a commentator, skills and abilities. However it turns out the interpretation would be different, this difference is not to blame others but will complement each other in order to increase the repertoire Islamiyah, this is because it is based on the background, socio-cultural conditions for the commentators.
History proves the teachings of the prophet Abraham as the founder of monotheism, the belief gained through a long process by observing people's behavior and natural phenomena. Ibrahim said that the father and his people are in error (cf. QS.6 :74-79). Prophet Muhammad was sent to deliver a mercy to all the worlds, providing guidance to the straight path. Therefore, he was sent in the society of ignorance, Quraysh tribe has to have faith in the hereditary worship idols, with many receiving their perseverance Muhammad confidence. Friend of the apostles Umar bin Khatab gain confidence with guidance (comes with a sudden) while listening to the Quranic verse being read by Fatimah bin Khatab (his sister).
Exhilarating and tumultuous events of the Western world, that after Imam Khumaeni decreed the death penalty for Salman Rusdie author of The Satanic Verses. Western world uproar with the work and the urge arises to purchase the book. Western intellectuals who are bored with church dogmas critical thinking why Imam Khumaeni impose severe punishment. After reading The Satanic Verses, as a scientist who uphold ethics-free and objective thought they read and study the Qur'an, many of them are interested in Islam even converting to Islam (Imad Abdurrahim, PH. D, Islam Integrated Value Systems, p: 119 ).
By studying the Islamic era, and events in the life of society then right when MUI menghukumi Ahmadiyya as a heretical schools in 1980 and 2005. Although already in the state as a misguided ideology but remain steadfast that he is delivering the true doctrine. Therefore during Juma'ah Ahmadiyah still consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the last apostle, this belief can not be accepted by the Muslims and it is not an Islamic organization. Therefore they are not included in the Muslim brothers bound by vows syahadataini, "Asyhadu anlaa ilaha illallah, wa anna Muhammadan Rasulullah asyhadu": I testify that there is no true God but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.Thus spreading their ideology will certainly disturbing religious life and society which would further damage the joints of religious harmony. Religion according to the Javanese in calls ageman (clothing) which can create a beautiful, healthy, safe for the wearer and others, it will be something scary.
We can only hope that the dialogue forum will be held by the Ministry of Religious Affairs with the involvement of the Ahmadiyya, MUI, Islamic organizations nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that have been paying attention to the existence of the group Qodian or Lahore. Therefore, when in fact they have the last prophet Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to remain intertwined existence brotherhood and protected by the laws of the Minister of Religious Affairs Suryadharma Ali was about to give four alternative that needs to consider, first to become a separate sect of Islam with the stripped attributes or both back to true Islamic teachings or accept all the teachings of Islam, the Ahmadiyya third left alive in Indonesia, the fourth was dissolved, and the other possibilities (Suara Merdeka, February 11, 2011).
Option is the last step, although the option is not going to satisfy all parties. But if we remember the history of the Republic of Indonesia, during the reign of President BJ Habibi never gives the option for last provinces namely East Timor. Option done as a final step for the future of East Timor remain or not to join the Republic of Indonesia including Indonesian territory. With the choice of East Timor became a sovereign nation and Homeland are not considered as occupiers.
So is the option that will be awarded on Ahmadiyah Juma'ah Juma'ah will determine the future and the government of Indonesia in an effort to protect the religious life and at the same time creating religious harmony. Hopefully before doing the dialogue so that all participants in the dialogue to forgive and ask for forgiveness for Juma'ah Ahmadiyya especially later deliberation. To further put my trust in the commitment to make a deal to keep the results of the dialogue (cf. Sura. 3: 159). We believe that God and religion because religion we carry out the instructions of God, for God is our faith in God because it's just us hope.
Therefore, when the defendant's religious harmony back necessary first steps internal religious development. As a mass organization leaders should always increase the total development for its members, which includes areas of theology, Shari'ah, and scientific morality has always been associated with Islam or Islamic associated with science, law and societal norms to avoid spliet personality. So that any practice of religion will add closeness to the Creator to further bring coolness in public life.Both optimize the function of the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) as a forum that embodies the aspirations of all religious organizations in Indonesia. Therefore always establish communication among religious communities, with these activities will minimize everything that would damage religious harmony. The third government to always intense coaching in facilitating any activity inter-religious harmony. Because one of the efforts to create harmony and peace is when the scholars 'and umaro' running simultaneously.