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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cultural diversity in Indonesia

Indonesia's cultural diversity is something that can not be denied its existence. In the context of understanding pluralistic society, in addition to cultural ethnic groups, people of Indonesia are also made up of different cultures territorial area which is the meeting of different cultures or ethnic groups that exist in the area. With a population of 200 million people where they live scattered island-island in Indonesia. They also inhabit the territory with varying geographic conditions. Ranging from mountains, forest edges, coastal, lowland, rural, to urban. It is also related to the level of civilization or ethnic groups and different people in Indonesia.

Meetings with outside culture also affects the process of cultural assimilation that exist in Indonesia, adding streamlined type of culture in Indonesia. Then also developing and expanding major religions in Indonesia contributed to the development of Indonesian culture so memcerminkan particular religious culture. It could be said that Indonesia is one country with cultural diversity or high levels of heterogeneity. Not only cultural diversity but also diversity of ethnic groups in the context of cultural civilization, traditionally up to the modern, and territorial.Cultural diversity of Indonesia should make Indonesia a civilized nation. But lately, Indonesia seemed to forget the cultural pride that even foreign culture swept along with the era of globalization. Indonesian culture be developed and considered outdated, so many Indonesian youths who do not know their own culture.The world has changed, only the following perubahanlah are able to survive. And all that can only be realized through innovation. In order to promote innovation in the Indonesian State then formed National Innovation Committee (KIN). Committees directly responsible to the President to assist the President in order to strengthen the National Innovation System (SINas), provide input on program priorities and action plans and implement monitoring and evaluation of policies and programs SINas reinforcement. KIN has a long-term mission and values ​​associated with the culture of building knowledge based society.Related to the culture of innovation, which is currently a new breakthrough in the world of television is the presence of a television program which is a puppet show with a new innovative concept (Opera Van Java) and more acceptable to the public. Innovation makes the puppet show that seemed to be more entertaining rigid society, even though you're young.Factors Contributing to Cultural DiversityIndonesian society made up of hundreds of tribes are spread over more than 13 thousand islands. Each tribe has a social identity, politics, and culture of different, as different languages, customs and traditions, belief systems, and so on.Characterize the diversity of the local culture in Indonesia can be seen from the following:
1. Ethnic diversity
Of anthropology known that the ancestors of Indonesia originated from Yunnan, South China.Between the years 3000-500 BC Indonesia has been inhabited by migrants from Asia who submongoloid then mixed with the indigenous populations / indigenous and indo-arian from South Asia.Classification of ethnic groups in Indonesia according to Van Vollenhoven which divides Indonesia into 19 regions bangsan tribe, namely:
1) Aceh2) Gayo-base and BatakNias and Batu3) MinangkabauMentawai4) South Sumatra5) Malay6) Bangka and Belitung7) Borneo8) MinahasaSangir-Talaud9) Gorontalo10) Toraja11) South Sulawesi12) Ternate13) AmbonSouthwest Islands14) Irian15) Timor16) Bali and Lombok17) Central Java and East Java18) Surakarta and Yogyakarta19) West Java
2. Linguistic diversity
Indonesia is among the Austronesian language family (Australia-Asia). Gorys Keraf language family is divided into subrumpun:1) Western Austronesian languages ​​or English-Indonesian / Malay which includes:§ Languages ​​Hesperonesian (West Indonesia) which includes: language Minahasa, Aceh, Gayo, Batak, Minangkabau, Malay, Middle Malays, Lampung, Nias, Mentawai, Javanese, Sundanese, Madurese, Dayak, Sasak Bali, Gorontalo, Toraja, Bugis -Makassar, Bima, Manggarai, Sumba, Sabu.§ English-Indonesian East include: languages ​​of Timor-Ambon, Sula Bacan, South Halmahera-West New Guinea.2) Eastern Austronesian languages ​​or Polynesia which include:§ The languages ​​of Melanesia (New Guinea Melanesia and East Coast)Melanesia (from Greek "black island") is a territory that extends from the western Pacific to the Arafura Sea, north and northeast of Australia.
§ Heonesia languages ​​(English and French Polynesia Mokronesia)
3. Religious diversity
Indonesia has a diversity of religion or belief. In Indonesia there are six officially recognized religions by the state, namely: Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. In addition it also develops other faiths in massyarakat.
4. Diversity of art and culture
Diverse ethnic groups in Indonesia would produce a diverse culture as well. One form of it is art, both literary arts, dance, music, drama, visual arts and so on.
Benefits of Cultural DiversityCultural diversity for the benefit of our nation. In the field of language, local culture tangible in the local language can enrich perbedaharaan Indonesian term. Meanwhile, in the field of tourism, the potential of cultural diversity can be used as the object and purpose of tourism in Indonesia, which could bring in foreign exchange. Thoughts that arise from human resources in each of these areas can also be used as a reference for national development.
Due to Cultural Diversity IssuesManage and administer the same number of traits, will, and customs certainly easier than taking care of a number of people who are all different about these things.
Raised an interesting idea to overcome / erode misconceptions and build a fort with a mutual understanding is multiculturalism and tolerance and empathy.1) MulticulturalismMulticulturalism is a term used to describe one's view of the variety of life in the world, or cultural policy that emphasizes on acceptance of the reality of diversity, and a variety of cultures (multicultural) that exist in society about values, systems, culture, customs, and politics that they profess.Multiculturalism in the community was asked to look at and address the differences, multiculturalism also invite the community to see cultural diversity in glasses equality means no higher culture than other cultures. Within multiculturalism also there should be no discrimination against a particular ethnic community because it will be the seed of division and conflict. All ethnic groups should be treated equally and be involved in various aspects of national social, political, legal, and defense and security. Only then will the full potential tribes work together to build a better nation perdapan.2) Tolerance and empathyMean tolerance attitude willing to accept and appreciate differences with another person or group.Empathy is the sincere attitude would feel the thoughts and feelings of others.Tolerance and empathy is very important cultivated in a pluralistic society such as Indonesia.How to think like this will bring us to the attitudes and actions not to exacerbate the differences, but the search for universal values ​​that can unite.
National IntegrationIntegration means assimilation to be a unified whole or round. Integration can occur horizontally with equal parties, or vertically.
Expert opinion regarding national integration:1. HigginsUnderstanding the process of national integration by looking at cultural unification and social groups in a whole region and national identity.2. Dr.. Nazaruddin SjamsuddinThe process of unification of a nation that covers all aspects of life, namely social, political, economic and cultural.3. J. Soedjati DjiwandonoHow sustainability in a broader sense of national unity can be reconciled with the right of self-determination. These rights should be limited to a certain extent. If not, national unity will be imperiled.Factors that affect national integration:1. Homogeneity groupsIn the small group level diversities also usually relatively small, so it will accelerate the process of national integration.2. Geographical mobilityGeographic factors affect the effectiveness and efficiency of communication. Communication that takes place in the community would accelerate national integration.Keywords in achieving national integration is to maintain harmony between cultures.The role of government1. The government should be able to implement a national political system that can accommodate the aspirations of the people who have different cultures.2. The ability of the government decentralization embodied in the agenda of regional autonomy.3. Openness and democratization, which is based on equal rights and obligations of citizens.The role of community1. Minimize the differences and commonalities grounded in the culture of every region.2. Minimize any potential conflict.


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